Monday, March 12, 2012

First Transplants

This past week I got some fun varieties of kale into the hoophouse.  They're under the row cover to protect from frost, but it really has not been that cold.

There's no more snow in the chicken run!  And the ground has softened up enough that the chickies can really dig around and take a good dust bath.

This weekend I got some scallions into the ground.  Yum, they'll go great with the eggs!

Friends were visiting, so here's a rare shot of Meredith and myself out at the farm, in front of the camera.  That trailer back there is holding my 2 ton stash of chicken feed.  Well, less than that now.  Chickies keep on eating!  I've been keeping a close track of how much food is going out to them, so I hope to see that level decrease as more vegetation becomes available to them.

 Over the weekend I was up at MOFGA for a conference on tomatoes.  Excellent discussions on all matters concerning the fantastic fruit.  In the meantime, can you believe I left these jokers in charge of the farm?!

Just kidding, this is Meredith and some wonderful friends that were kind enough to water and collect eggs.  Looks like they had a fun time out there too!


  1. We had an amazing time! Thank you for allowing us the run of the farm with Meredith and to plant some species. :)

  2. We loooooove the farm. It makes me happy that such a fantastic and amazing and stupendous place exists in the world. Those are the happiest and most beautiful chickens I've ever laid eyes on. I miss you guys already.

  3. What a great picture of you three! Lauren, with the wooden frame behind your hand, it almost looks like you're making the Vulcan symbol for "live long and prosper"!
