Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Equinox!

 Hey, we're at that neat point in the year when the sun is right over the equator.  I made a nerdy graph to visualize what's going on from our perspective.

So, at the equinox, the sun is climbing in the sky at the fastest rate (on a daily scale).  Then it starts to slow down as we approach the summer solstice and the longest day.  Look at those funny blips from daylight savings!  The sun doesn't care, it just keeps doing it's thing.

Uh, anyway.  I made more chicken coops.  Looks like they are ready to race!

Is this really March?  

After germinating seeds at home, they go into the truck
And are brought out to the hoophouse.

I expanded the chicken run to the margins of the field so the chickies can really get into that low brush with tasty bugs.

1 comment:

  1. Cool nerdy chart Dave! I was just explaining to my oldest about the Arctic Circle and the concept of the Midnight Sun. The best way seems to be with a globe and a flashlight.
